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Whether you’re contemplating writing a screenplay, completed one you’re unsure how to market, or you are a producer attached to one: Oritte will take you through the story fundamentals and marketing strategies that can make your project stand out to financiers, producers, talent, and agents. She will also demystify the filmmaking landscape from a buyer’s perspective and the how-tos of packaging and submission.
Oritte Bendory is a Hollywood screenwriter and writing coach, with a sci-fi screenplay in development at Amblin Entertainment (Steven Spielberg’s studio) and a thriller script sold to Twentieth Century Fox & in pre production at STX Films (of “Hustlers”). She has also written, developed and produced independent films and secured financing for award winning shorts and features.
Find out more about Oritte at her website
The instructor will teach this live online class via Zoom. Please download Zoom on the device of your choice and sign up. Computer: Phone or Tablet: download the app. At least one day prior to the class, you will receive an email with instructions on how to enter your Zoom meeting. This will include a unique URL address and a meeting code.
FRONT LINE WORKERS/MILITARY: Use code FLWM10 to receive $10 off each class.