

Supporting The Art Center

The Art Center Highland Park is a 501C3 Not-for-Profit organization, EIN #36-2464960, and relies on donations for over 25% of its annual budget. Donations can be made for general operational funds, made in honor of a loved one or a special life event, to support your favorite program, or for sponsorship that will identify you with a specific event. Donations can be made by cash, check, credit card, and we can now accept gifts of stock. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

General Giving Opportunities

General Fund
General donations for use where we need it most

Student Scholarships & Education
Help fund our classes and support community members who require financial assistance

Jackie Sabath Exhibition Fund
Help defray the cost of our cutting-edge exhibits

Sponsor an annual event
Support our Annual Spring Benefit, Draw Together, or Recycled Art Sale

Custom Giving Opportunities

Naming Opportunities
dedicate a gallery, classroom, office, or other space to yourself or a loved one

Sponsor a community program
Provide financial support to the program of your choice

Sustaining Sponsorship
Make a multiple-year commitment for future giving

Planned Giving
Help us ensure The Art Center’s success for future generations by including TAC in your will or estate plan

Gift of Stock
Maximixe your charitable impact while minimizing your tax burden


If you would like to speak with a staff member about creating a custom plan or making a gift to The Art Center, please contact James M. Lynch, Executive Director, 847-432-1888 or

The Art Center Highland Park does not provide financial, tax, or legal advice. For help in making the best financial decisions that align with your charitable goals, we encourage you seek the advice of a professionally licensed financial advisor, accountant, or attorney.

Donate Now

Donate Now

Contact Information


Gift Information

Donation Amount

Gift Recognition


When you click submit, you'll be redirected to Paypal's secure payment site. You do not need a Paypal account -- you can pay directly via credit card. We process payments on Paypal's site to provide the highest levels of security.