Meet Me in a Moment

Meet Me in a Moment

An orange and yellow poster reading: Meet Me in a Moment, Written and Directed by Aviva ChertokMeet Me in a Moment, a Theatrical Concert of Jewish Classical Music written and directed by Aviva Chertok, will be performed at The Art Center Highland Park on Sunday, June 19th, at 2 PM.

A classical music concert reimagined, Meet Me in a Moment opens the door to the lives of four great Jewish composers, with each musical selection followed by a theatrical scene from the composer’s life. Step back in time to the living room of Ernest Bloch, join a rehearsal with Paul Ben-Haim, and attend a meeting of the Society of Jewish Folk Music in St. Petersburg with Lazare Saminsky. The program also features a special screening of Aviva’s interview with one of the most acclaimed Jewish composers in the United States, Grammy-nominee Jonathan Leshnoff.

Written and directed by violinist Aviva Chertok, “Meet Me in a Moment” is a unique show that brings audiences the beauty of Jewish classical music while immersing them in Jewish history and culture.

Performers: Aviva Chertok (violin), Monika Miodragovic (piano), Richard Shavzin, (actor).

There are only 80 seats available for this performance, so purchase your tickets soon!