Presenting Sponsor | $25,000
- Customized private cocktail reception for clients, employees, or other guests to celebrate your support
- Opportunity to host a corporate event in The Art Center galleries
- Three reserved highboy tables for you and your guests
- Recognition on event invitation, signage, social media, slideshow, and on the website throughout the year and during all three major events including Draw Together and the Recycled Art Sale
- A Family-Level TAC Membership for one year
- 10 tickets to Spring Benefit
Patron of the Arts | $10,000
- Opportunity to host a corporate event in The Art Center galleries
- Two reserved highboy tables for you and your guests
- Recognition on event invitation, signage, social media, slideshow, and on the website throughout the year and during all three major events including Draw Together and the Recycled Art Sale
- A Family-Level TAC Membership for one year
- 8 tickets to Spring Benefit
Art Collector | $5,000
- Your Corporate name/logo featured on all TAC marketing materials, on the website throughout the year, and the marketing for all three major events including Draw Together and the Recycled Art Sale
- Inclusion in on-site signage during the Spring Benefit, the Spring Benefit invitation, and the slideshow
- A Family-Level TAC Membership for one year
- 6 tickets to Spring Benefit
Art Curator | $2,500
- Recognition on event invitation, signage, social media, slideshow, and on the website throughout the year and during all three major events including Draw Together and the Recycled Art Sale
- A Family-Level TAC Membership for one year
- 4 tickets to Spring Benefit
Art Enthusiast | $1,500
- Recognition on slideshow and event website
- A Family-Level TAC Membership for one year
- 4 tickets to Spring Benefit
Supporter of the Arts | $700
- Recognition on slideshow and event website
- A Family-Level TAC Membership for one year
- 2 tickets to the Spring Benefit
Custom Sponsorship Opportunities
All Sponsorship Commitments must be received by March 5, 2025 for inclusion of Sponsor Name on Benefit Invitation, or April 16, 2025 for inclusion in on-site signage.