Our Supporters

At The Art Center Highland Park (TAC), we believe art is a community endeavor. The students, instructors, visitors, volunteers and community members who support TAC are integral to its success at engaging people of all ages and interests in the arts.

Thank You to Our Supporters! 

Sustaining Sponsors

Alona Anspach

Steve Elkins

Meryl & Gary Levenstein

Marla & Rich London

Michael Rosengarden

Jennifer & Steven Sabath

Michelyn & Michael Sabath

Cindy & Ned Zallik

$10,000 – $24,999 

Sunset Foods

Marla & Larry Gilbert

Modestus Bauer Foundation

$5,000 – $9,999 

Carol & Douglas Cohen

Kristen & Gregory Jorgensen

Anne Kaplan

Highland Park Bank & Trust

Victoria Medvec

Alicia Porter

Peter & Mara Sagal

Linda Ann & Lou Weber


Jody & Randy Berns

First Bank of Highland Park

Ton Gindorff & Susan Peterson

David Meek & Lisa Brown

Melanie Shanks & Dean Butterman

BKS Partners- Rosenthal Brothers

Jeffrey Zivin


Lake Forest Country Day School

Barbara & Lawrence Field

Elise & Ira Frost

Irene Hoffman

Alfred & Yelena Klairmont

William Blair & Company Foundation

Rhoda Pierce

Fran Krasnow & Seth Pines

Michael Rosengarden

The Ross Family

Kenny & Julie Sacks

Suzanne Santos

Deborah & Laurence Segil

Elizabeth & Brian Tenner

Terri Weinstein

David & Janet Wigodner

Rebecca Wilkinson


Barbara & Dennis Abelson

Susan & Bill Abrams

Amdur Productions

The Julia Foundation

Richard Basofin

Nancy & Richard Becker

Beth & Bruce Boyd

Phyllis & Robert Decker

Nona Flores

Bryna & Edward Gamson

Alyse & Michael Gamson

Gilbert Orthodontics

Deidra & Stephen Gold

Lewis Goldstein

Michele & William Gorski

Patsy & Bud Greene

Ellen Greengoss

Shana & David Guthman

Vivian & Malcolm Henoch

Rose Pest Solutions

Nancy Juncer

Jessica & Torjus Lundevall

Jacqueline Kott-Wolle & David Wolle

Betsy & Scott Lassar

An Apple a Day Catering

Susan Licata

Paul Martinez

Faye & Victor Morgenstern

Mark Muller & Jamie Strait Muller

Polk Family Charitable Fund

Judy Norris

Beerman LLP

Patty & Ken Pell

Robert & Lynn Razowsky

Karen Ross

Susan Ruder

John & Cheryl Seder

Andrés & Lori Tapia

Beth Wasman-Arteta

Carey Weiman

Richard L. and Lois S. Werner Family Foundation

Nicki & Jim Woldenberg











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We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by The Art Center Highland Park, both online and offline, on any Platform (“Platform”, includes The Art Center Highland Park website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.