Central Suburban League Student Art Exhibition
April 11 – 19
Reception: Thursday, April 17, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
The Art Center Highland Park will host students from twelve Chicago area high schools as part of the Central Suburban League (CSL) Student Exhibition. Forty VHHS students’ artwork will be displayed at the Art Center to celebrate their creations from this school year. All are invited to attend this public reception. The CSL Student Art Exhibition seeks to unify the CSL schools through the visual arts in this celebration of a select amount of student work representing each school’s Visual Art program. Artwork is also featured from Deerfield, Highland Park, Evanston, Glenbrook North, Glenbrook South, Maine East, Maine South, Maine West, New Trier, Niles North, and Niles West high schools.
Annual Benefit Exhibition
May 2 – June 14
The Art Center Highland Park will celebrate its 65th anniversary with a special exhibition to coincide with its annual Spring Benefit.